Category Archives: the rest.

things to come.

So I realize I have been slacking a bit on the blog front. You should know that it’s only because I have had some amazing sessions and weddings happening. I posted a photo of Ashley a few days ago, but here is a little sneak peek of more of what is to come in the…

one very big announcement.

and for the news i have been desperately excited to share…     i’m ready to add tags and titles such as “europe vintage wedding photography” or “creative wedding photographer in france” to my ever-growing list. and what better way to do so other than picking up and going to europe to expand my market…

albums for the vintage-inspired bride.

a few weeks ago, I got my studio sample album in the mail. and I think it might be the most beautiful album I have ever seen. the people over at Indigo Album Design have incredible customer service, and they sell products absolutely worth every penny.  I wanted to add a few photos of the…

new york city, the things of dreams.

when i was in new york this last time to shoot bethany and jerod’s incredible vintage wedding, one of the moments that will forever remain etched in my mind happened during their reception. there i was, in the middle of the dance floor, camera in hand, while everyone around me belted out jay z and…