Tag Archives: vintage-inspired wedding photography

emma and adam’s wedding in a hurricane. {charlottesville creative wedding photography}

I think Emma and Adam received an extra measure of good luck for getting married in a hurricane. Though everything was supposed to be outside, they were very calm in the midst of the storm- and it made working with them and capturing their day as-is so much more fun. I also have to give…

the first look. {houston vintage-inspired wedding photography}

playful and exuberant. there is no doubt that liz and nathan are just that. and there is no doubt that they love each other deeply and were joyfully joining their lives together. i love these photos. they just might be my favorite from the entire day. just another reason i adore it when the bride…

artistic wedding: tamara and aaron {creative california wedding photography}

this post took forever to get ready. and i mean forever. the sheer number of detail shots i captured are overwhelming, i had such a hard time deciding which photos to use. aaron- the groom- is a visual artist and also does some cinematography, and well, his and tamara’s wedding is full of some of…