
i’ve been itching to blog today and marylyn’s post pushed me over the edge. (it is really a wonderful post about embracing who you are created to be).
on the same note, her post is yet another word of encouragement for those who are creators to keep doing what they are doing. for the past few months, i have either read something or been told by someone to continue to create art at least once a week. how can i not be convinced that is the direction i am to head?
one thing on my mind today is vision. i’ve been praying and hoping to be led forward, to know where i am going. but one thing i haven’t been asking for is vision. vision for my life. vision for my art. vision for my marriage. vision for the kind of person i am going to become.
and i want that vision, desperately.

sorry for this pitiful copy of my sketch.

but i am beginning to run in the direction i want to go. i started reading the creative call by janice elsheimer. it’s a book about responding to the talents given to us by God as artists. its the first overtly christian book i’ve happily picked up in years. i’ve also signed up for an online art class from my favorite artist, misty mawn. i cannot begin to express my excitement and gratitude for this opportunity. misty truly is wonderful.

daily things are hard right now because i rarely come across alone time, 6:30 a.m. practically kills me, and i have no private, me-space for creating. these are things that i hope will change soon. and some of the must if i am going to really soak up everything i can from my art class.
my art supplies are still scattered about various parts of the old house i am living in. i don’t feel very peaceful about it, but until something changes, there isn’t much i can do. nov. 14th is when class starts and that is approaching verrrrry quickly.

today, in sharing my life with my wonderful comm group leader, she urged me to focus on not what i want to do, but who i want to be. and that during this season, it is imperative that i remember to take each day as it comes. when i wake up every morning, it is the time to embrace that day. to be present while at the same time asking for vision for the future.

so forward in these things i must go.