a recipe for redemption. (gotta love the cheesy title).

yesterday i wrote about redemption and grace, and yesterday i experienced redemption and grace.

i rarely write about what i do with my friends and i never write about food. but yesterday warrants that i speak of the redemption and grace that these things helped lavish on me.

i have definitely had better mornings and something about the sweet words of those who love me, mixed with fresh, earthy polish food, and throw in some new friends and some not-as-new friends, and you have a picture of redemption and healing.

God giving me good things, me being thankful for those things, and the day being renewed all over again.

so here you have it.

our lovely chef.

i love that we bought fresh vegetables that i never buy.

authentic and fresh polish borscht.
me with my (not-so) sweet kitty.

oh beese.

and the lovely nease.

and perhaps my favorite part of the whole night. our very own, and just as ghetto looking as the normal ones, photo booth!
please notice: kelley trying to control the cat, beese’s mashed potatoes, joseph looking like a wine-o (when we all know that is kelley), beese trying to command every photo, joseph nuzzling beese, and how happy we all look to have eaten a delicious meal.

what a sweet day.
and tomorrow we fly to charlottesville!