life a-fresh.

have you ever woken up one day and realized that your life has changed? i don’t mean like you have a new job, or now you are married, or you are just in a good mood.
i mean changed. through and through.
the other day one of my dearest friends asked me how i was doing. and it was so strange because in the two months since i had seen her, my life had pivoted 180 degrees.

and now i can say that i actually know what it feels like to go through a dreaful season. a time of waiting and waiting and being in pain. but then to realize that despite all my resistance, and pushing against God, and refusal to accept my circumstances, and whining about my life, despite all my stubbornness and immaturity, God brought healing anyway.

and now i know that my physical being is knotted together with my spiritual and my mental being.

and now i know (because i’ve been taking care of this lovely plant) that there is death, over and over, but after these small blooms die every evening, i pick off the dead buds and in the morning, new bright and yellow flowers have blossomed all over again.

and now i see, because my life bears witness, and because i’m reading shauna’s second book- bittersweet, that life can be fresh. that i can let go and that soon i will have the strength to let go. that i can be closed, i can be resistant, i can be angry, that i can choose not to change myself on my own because i just don’t have the strength anymore, that i can act childish, and yet, i am not in control of the universe or of my life, but that the One who is, will not have me forever lifeless and sad and confused. that He will not tie me to my failings, nor my faults, nor my fears. He will not define me by my struggles, nor make me pull myself up by my boot straps. He will not throw me out when i choose myself over Him some days.

so there you have it, life a-fresh.