heather and brian, a wedding on the bay. {east coast creative vintage wedding photography}

heather and brian traveled from one bay to another across the country to get married. and i sorta followed them from one bay to the other as well. i shot their wedding on chesapeake bay then flew to san francisco to shoot another wedding, and luckily- to get to hang out with them!

as if i didn’t already know from spending their wedding day with them, heather and brian are so much fun. heather is such a ham! and they are both so genuine to be around. you’ll definitely see that in their photographs. and their ceremony…unfortunately photographs can’t completely communicate what it was like to be there. i was in tears during their vows. i could legitimately feel their love by just being there during the ceremony. it was really special.

truly a day of family, friends, love, and loyalty. and i’m so thankful to have been there.